The best way to prevent transmission is by actively participating in social distancing, meaning that individuals stay home when possible and avoid contact with other individuals that do not live in the same house. In addition, physical distancing measures are in place for going out in which individuals should stay 6 feet away from people that are not part of their household in addition to wearing masks. This ensures maximal protection from either transmitting the virus, or from the virus being transmitting from others.
Earlier this year, the Ontario government allowed people to have a “social circle” in which 10 people that are not in the same household may come into contact with one another. The 10 people includes people in the same household and when used correctly, can be effective at slowing the spread of COVID-19. This means that people in your household must have the same social circle and those people cannot be part of other social circles. As of October 2nd, 2020, the government of Ontario has decided to pause social circles due to the increased caseload in the province.