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COVID Alert App

The COVID alert app is used across Ontario to notify users of potential exposures to individuals that have tested positive for COVID-19. This app uses Bluetooth to transfer codes between phones in proximity. When someone tests positive for the virus, they can upload a key given to them by healthcare providers to the app. The app will then notify people that have been within 2 meters of the COVID-19-positive individual for more than 15 minutes within the last 2 weeks.  

The app is anonymous and does not have any identifying information, including your name, address, location, or any health information. If a person tests positive and uploads the key to the app, their identity will not be revealed in any way. When the app is used by a large majority of the population correctly, the spread of the virus can significantly be slowed, given that people are being tested as soon as they show symptoms or are notified that they may have been in contact with a positive case, as well as isolating and social distancing.